Friday, September 5, 2008

Where Have I Been All Summer???

Cheating, cheating, cheating!

After our big move to Acton I thought for sure it would be an exciting time to check out all of the farm stands and local food sources that would be closer to our new zip code. I pictured myself making daily forays and bringing home the wonderful local products that my area is sure to provide. Then I would stand in my new gleaming kitchen with it's meticulously cleaned countertops and whip up masterful meals of fresh vegetables and grass-fed meats while my children played gently and quietly in our spacious grassy backyard. My hair would be perfectly coiffed and my pearls would gleam at my throat. The image was so realistic that I could picture it down to the most minute detail.

Heh heh heh! Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha! Boy am I funny!

So, school has finally begun.

For the next 9 glorious months (not counting:
  • Rosh Hashanah,
  • Yom Kippur,
  • Columbus Day,
  • Veteren's Day,
  • Thanksgiving Break,
  • Christmas Break,
  • Martin Luther King Day,
  • Every Thursday After January 26th when we switch from the Morning Kindergarten to the Afternoon Kindergarten,
  • Winter Recess,
  • Good Friday,
  • Spring Recess,
  • Memorial Day, and
  • Professional Days),
my perfect little storms will be reduced in number (during the hours of 9AM to 12PM) from 3 down to 2. And even more exciting, on Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be reduced from 2 down to 1. Whatever shall I do with all this free time????

I'm sure I know what I should do with this free time. Laundry, dishes, and general cleaning come directly to mind. But hey, let's face it, I haven't had time to do any of that stuff all summer long and we've all survived so why start now? So I'm back on my quest!

Once again I'm consulting the great Eat Well Guide available on the Kiwi Magazine website to find a list of local and sustainable farms and stores from which I can buy healthy, low-impact food items for my family. I am excited and ready. I am focused and determined. I am avoiding vaccuuming. Now, if I can just find those pearls...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Christine, I applaud your efforts to eat locally and seasonally! I volunteer for the Eat Well Guide (you mentioned us in your post on 9/5/08). Eat Well has teamed up with the Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports, to issue a Local, Organic Thanksgiving Challenge.We're inviting people to take a spin on the Eat Well Guide to find local food and cook at least one local (preferably organic) dish for Thanksgiving, and share recipes at the CU site. Read more about it at the Green Fork. []