Monday, March 10, 2008

Enough Already

All right, enough of the doom and gloom already. I promise my next post will be back on mission, featuring all the highlights of my fun-filled attempts to buy local foods without succumbing to my kids constant and obsessive desire for candy and marshmallows.

Before I move on...

As much as I highly plagiarized Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma, there is much I left out. I do recommend you pick it up at your bookstore or library. I never before thought I could be interested in farming, but his description of the symbiosis between animal and vegetation that occurs on Joel Salatan's farm was absolutely fascinating. You will never again find yourself quite so enthralled with cows, pigs, chickens, grass, grubs, and poop. Plus mushroom hunting now sounds like a most exciting adventure, and I think mushroom taste like moldy dirt!

Anyway, I promise to move on. I hope you read the book. Let's get back to local.

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